Your Marketing Auntie
teaching promotion strategies for empaths, sensitives, and intuitives

The Expert You Need

I’ve strategized and built marketing funnels as the lead marketer for two of the largest self-development publishing houses (Hay House and Sounds True). This has allowed me to develop an expertise in marketing that is heart-led, aligned, and able to drive sales ranging from $250,000 to $2.3 million.


Marketing Your Spiritual Offering

If you’ve dreamed of filling your calendar with bookings, maxing out your course, or building a robust membership community in service to your purpose but, feel overwhelmed with the thought of marketing - you’re not alone. I’ve worked with the biggest names in the self-development field and have distilled what I’ve learned into a one-on-one, single step method to marketing your offering.

Transference Healing®

This healing modality originates from Australia and is founded, channeled, and anchored by Alexis Cartwright. These sessions create profound shifts in your life, especially if you’re feeling stuck, are in a repeated pattern or loop, or are experiencing the feeling of “what am I supposed to do next?” Book with me and let’s move your energy in a positive direction.


Clients from any location are welcome. All sessions are held remotely.